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  • Writer's pictureechoudhury77

Ways to elevate your Cybersecurity at home

As more and more people continue to work from home due to COVID-19, quarantine, social distancing, and required Work-From-Home, hackers are finding gaps and holes in home networks to infiltrate and taking advantage of them.

Here are some things you can easily do right now to increase the security of your network at home.

  • Don't use the modem/router that your ISP installed only. Get your own firewall and connect it behind the ISP's modem. Be sure to immediately change all the default passwords on whatever firewall/router you get and select a strong passphrase for your Wi-Fi.

  • Remove any unneeded devices! Consider disconnecting and removing devices that aren't essential or that you no longer use. If you only use it occasionally, like a printer, consider turning it off when it's not being used. No power button? Just unplug it.

  • Keep your devices updated! From your computer to your mobile devices to your Internet-connected cameras and appliances, security updates are issued on a pretty regular basis. As vendors discover vulnerabilities, they'll issue security and improvement updates. Many won't update themselves so you'll have to do it yourself. If you don't know how, find out! Be sure to also know what security settings are available and what they're for.

  • Change ALL default passwords! Never ever leave a device password to it's factory/default password. Hackers actively search the Internet for devices with default or no passwords and can easily compromise them. Change them BEFORE you connect them to your network, including baby monitors and smart devices. Also, use a strong passphrase that isn't easily guessed.

  • Use Endpoint Protection! Don't rely only on Windows Defender that comes with Windows to protect your computer. It's effective but you get what you pay for... Invest in antivirus software that will protect you from "zero-day" threats, ransomware, and advanced cyber threats. Apple's Macs are NOT immune to infections, contrary to urban myth and popular belief.

  • Backup! Backup your data somewhere other than on your computer. If you don't have a lot, consider a thumb drive. Otherwise USB-connected hard drives are cheap and work great to backup your personal files and documents.

Want to know more or need help? Contact us

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